Image Sizes for Competitions
The Maximum size of digital images are 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels
Landscape Format : Maximum of 1600 pixels (horizontal) X 1200 pixels (vertical)
Portrait Format : Maximum of less than 1200 pixels (horizontal) x 1200 pixels (vertical)
Square Format : Maximum of 1200 pixels on both horizontal and vertical
Rules for competitions
Each member can enter a maximum of 3 images into each competition
Any image which previously has been awarded a place in a competition cannot be resubmitted in another.
For the Print Competitions, submissions cannot be greater than A3 size
Prints, preferably, should be mounted but not framed and glazed.
A digital copy of the submitted prints should be forwarded to the
Comp. Sec.
Landscape Format : Maximum of 1600 pixels (horizontal) X 1200 pixels (vertical)
Portrait Format : Maximum of less than 1200 pixels (horizontal) x 1200 pixels (vertical)
Square Format : Maximum of 1200 pixels on both horizontal and vertical
Rules for competitions
Each member can enter a maximum of 3 images into each competition
Any image which previously has been awarded a place in a competition cannot be resubmitted in another.
For the Print Competitions, submissions cannot be greater than A3 size
Prints, preferably, should be mounted but not framed and glazed.
A digital copy of the submitted prints should be forwarded to the
Comp. Sec.